The Bondage Ball
The Bondage Ball is Hollywood's world-famous, longest-running and largest fetish event, It has long had a reputation for seeing to the needs of the seriously kinky players as well as those for whom stand & model is a proud art. The best part about the Bondage Ball is that the lines between those groups shimmer and change as the evening progresses and also, notably, as the liquor flows. Like its host city, the Bondage Ball is everything you want it to be and more. It's the Hollywood fantasy of fetish and perversion, wrapped up with a tight latex bow and spread wide for succulent midnight debauchery.
It's the place where kink meets more kink, displays of BDSM dominate, porn stars come to be playful and the norm can let out their inner sexual deviant. A full assault of the senses, this year was geared towards tantalizing you and making things more interactive for everyone.
 Halloween has traditionally been the most exciting Bondage Ball and this year was no exception.