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Glomming on their gazongas!

Mega-fave Carol--now with 34 sets to her credit on our site, with one set per inch to match her 34F rack measurement--meets exceptionally endowed tyro Jenny Badeau, making her second appearance on with her stunning 36Fs. The ladies are in sheer lingerie and stockings as they begin to undress each other and glom onto their globes. I love watching these girls sucking each other’s boobs, matching the fervor I know that I would displaying if I were lucky enough to be the meat in their tittie sandwich!! Ah, daydreams.
After lots of nipple sucking caught for your pleasure in high resolution photos and HD video, Carol and Jenny get out a clear glass dildo to entertain their twats. And they move into every possible position with that toy, leaning over each other, standing, and squatting. And then Carol takes the toy in her asshole in the doggie style position! That’s the way to go, babe! Good show, girls!

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