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Threeway fornication frenzy!

On this fine evening, Nick , Bettina and Avril decided to become much more than just friends. They thought, heck were all single, why not just fuck each other senseless. Lightbulb! What a bright idea! The ladies came over to Nicks all dressed in blue, but there will be no blue balls here that's for sure! Oh no, they plan on jackin Nick's prick dry before the night's over, and you get a front row seat! Watch as these two delectable vixens go right for Nick's cock sandwich, both taking turns gobbling it up on the couch. They are both so horny they actually brought an extra dick in hand just in case Nick couldn't keep up, but our man is handling the business well as he hit's both girls in Doggy, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, some silver spooning action. He even rides the Hershey highway with Avril! Bettina is quick to clean them up after-wards, but in the grand finale, Nick tosses his load deep inside Avril for a remembrance of the occasion

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