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I brought home 4 men

Hey guys it's me Lola, Kristine's girlfriend from Russia, you remember me? Well I got myself in this situation with these four guys at the bar, I know she's having a really good time off fucking but I could sure use her help here with me tonight. I was in this bar drinking and having a really good time I was the hit of the bar they all loved at least it seemed that way at first. Like I said I am from Russia and very proud of how I can drink so I made this bet at the beginning of the night that if we drank double shots of vodka one of them at the end wouldn't stand. Well at the end they all were still standing and wanted a piece of my ass just like a said I would and they could, you see this is normally about the time Kristine and I could talk our way into just fucking our favorites but these guys here wanted exactly what I had promised.

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