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Toes Come First

Liz from Italy is waiting for us, ready for some tasty tease action by being attired only in her bra and panty set as well as backless high heels that showcase her size 9 feetsies.

She’s been thinking that she’d like to have a handy slave around to give her pedicures whenever the urge or need strikes her. When she meets new guys, she always inquires about their skills with polish and brushes!

In fact, her perfect first date is to have the guy stop by when she’s still half-dressed, and then suggest that he help her with her pedicure!

She judges a man’s character by how ready he is to submit to this unorthodox but genuine wish of hers. If he kneels down on the carpet and polishes her toenails to her satisfaction (she’ll provide the pedicure supplies), then she strips away her lingerie and they forget about the dinner and movie!

Instead she treats the lucky candidate to her total naked body and a toe-sucking good time. And he’ll never forget that “a trip around the world” always starts with Liz’s lovely tootsies first!

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