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Glamorous In Her Glasses!

The famous American writer Dorothy Parker said, probably back around the Roaring 20s, “Men seldom make passes at girls who wear glasses,” but this is clearly not true today--if it ever was.

Maybe Dorothy said it on an off-day for her famous any case, she never got to lay her lamps (to use a 1920s word for eyes) on Sonechka from the Russian Federation, who is a powerhouse with her peepers accented by sexy black frames.

Of course Sonechka has a lot of other equipment besides spectacles to invite us to make a spectacle of ourselves as we savor the sight of her stripping down from her black dress and red and white gingham lingerie to her 34D-24-36 body, a phenomenal figure complete with a derriere that will make all scholars of the seat drool, stiffen, and squirt.

Sonechka also has a tattoo of a lion surrounded by roses on her left upper arm, almost as if she’s got a fantasy bodyguard to watch over her even as she drives us crazy as she crams her twat and tush with a big red vibrator.

She keeps her glasses on the whole time throughout her nude pics in this stunning example of glamour porn at its best--which only goes to prove, “Men will definitely make passes at girls with glasses and great asses!” Or something like that! ;)

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