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The Devil wears nada!

Today we introduce the casting of Ms. Constance Devil! Quite the Oxy moron as this gorgeous blonde is wearing a silver cross! She also decided to bring in a couple of players from the England rugby team. They act as her bodyguards and are planted right onto her chest, keeping an eye on anyone who tries to get close to Ms. Constance!
She parades around in her underwear for us and then POW! The 2 big round bodyguards sense a threat from the camera guy and decide to come out from hiding! They are disguised as two large titties and you'd better suck up to them if you want to leave unscathed! Ms. Constance poses for us like a cat on the bed, and her big juicy round ass is subliminally sending messages to my hand, telling it to stroke my dick until she tells me to stop! Are you getting those same messages? Wow, what a snapper on this babe, I think I'll just keep tugging! Hopefully the bodyguard titties will come and tackle me for getting too close!

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