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Miracle Of The Mouth

So you’re sitting in your office trying to finish some last minute details on a big project. The stress is high and because of that your mind is not quite as sharp as it usually is; but then suddenly some power beyond human comprehension takes mercy on you and Aurelly Rebel aka Kristall Rush appears! You can’t understand where she came from, or why, and you can’t quite communicate with Aurelly too well in English; but you know you’ve been a good person in your life, and so maybe this is the way that the cosmos is rewarding you for being a decent guy, miraculously delivering a hot-mouthed babe to you for blowjob duty just at the moment when you need relaxation most!! You’ll be able to clear your head and then get back to the job with your usual laser focus. And from the moment Aurelly shows off her tight little ass and then kneels or leans back for cock sucking in this POV video, you realize that in this case, Good Guys Finish First!

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